Freitag, 18.10.2024

Präsidentin Surabischwili legt Veto gegen russisches Gesetz in Georgien


Barbara Stefan
Barbara Stefan
Barbara Stefan ist eine erfahrene Redakteurin, die mit ihrer Ruhe und Gelassenheit auch in turbulenten Zeiten den Überblick behält.

Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili has vetoed the ‚Russian law‘ passed by the parliament, despite its potential for override. The law, which restricts foreign influence in civil society, has sparked mass protests and international concern. Georgia, a candidate for EU membership, finds itself in a constitutional and European standards conflict.

The ‚Russian law‘ aims to limit foreign funding and interest in NGOs and media in Georgia. It was passed by the parliament despite the mass protests in Tiflis. The president’s veto signifies her opposition to the restrictions on civil society and foreign influence. This move highlights the country’s struggle for democratic values and European integration, as it conflicts with the Georgian constitution and European standards.


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